Well it's almost time to head to the fields for planting season which is one of the most favorite times of year on this family farm. This winter has been extremely cold and full of ice so Spring Fever started awhile ago around this pig pen. The Farmer and his Dad and even Big Sissy and Bubby can't wait to get in the fields and start planting. The fact of the matter we all can't wait. It is such a fun time of year and everyone's mood improves once they can spend time outside and get in the fields.
To prepare for the planting season, The Farmer has been applying organic fertilizer, as the weather allows, onto fields that grew beans last year and will grow corn this year. (The 3 inches of rain we received on Monday have halted this process for the time being.) Remember this is just one of the many ways we are "green" on our family as the organic fertilizer is the manure from our pigs that allows us to dramatically reduce if not eliminate the need for man made fertilizers on our family farm. Additionally, it also allows use the pigs' manure to fertilize the corn that we will then turn into feed for our pigs. Truthfully it is a pretty cool process if you ask me.
The Farmer and his Dad have also been working on getting our planter ready so when the fields are dry and the manure is hauled they will be ready to head to the fields and start planting corn and soybeans.
So needless to say... there's never a dull moment on our family farm.
Be sure to check in for next week's Farmer Fridays as one of my fellow Real Farmwives of America and Friends, The Hoosier Farm Babe, will be doing a guest post.

We are ready, too! Just wish this weather would cooperate!